
Badger Athletic Performance presents regularly at national and international conferences. Our presentations are organized below, in chronological order by conference. Contact the author(s) if you are interested in a copy of the abstract. You can find contact information on our personnel page.

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American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)


Walczak B, Sanfilippo J, Watson A. Significant Changes in Body Composition Measurements Occur Following Arthroscopic Treatment of Femoral Acetabular Impingement in Competitive Collegiate Athletes: A Matched Cohort Study.

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)


Crawford SK, Vlisides J, Thompson Q, Hickey J, Heiderscheit BC. Hamstrings Shear Wave Speeds Not Altered After 6 Weeks of Romanian Deadlifts or Nordic Curls.

Sandberg CM, Vlisides J, Thompson Q, Hickey J, Heiderscheit BC, Crawford SK. Adaptations in Muscle Architecture Following Volume- And Eccentric Time-matched Romanian Deadlift Versus Nordic Hamstring Exercise.

Sanfilippo JS, Grunder IM, Lang DL, Haraldstottir K, Watson AM. Associations Between Body Composition, Balance, and Vertical Jump Testing And Injury In Football Athletes.

Thompson Q, Vlisides J, Hickey J, Heiderscheit BC, Crawford SK. Force-velocity Profiling of a 60 m Sprint Following 6 Weeks of Eccentric Strength Training.

Vlisides J, Thompson Q, Sandberg CM, Hickey J, Heiderscheit BC, Crawford SK. Changes in Anatomical Cross-sectional Area following 6 Weeks of Eccentric Hamstring Training.


Benkert RE, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Luedke LE, Heiderscheit BC, Kliethermes SA. Performance Perfectionism and Sport Specialization in High School Cross Country Runners.

Cobian D, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Oppenheim ZR, Heiderscheit BC. Neuromuscular Correlates Of Impaired Knee Extensor Torque Steadiness 4-to-12 Months Post-ACLR In Collegiate Athletes.

Crawford SK, Wille CM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Lee KS, Heiderscheit BC. Ultrasound Shear Wave Speeds following Hamstring Strain Injury & Return to Sport.

Feller HJ, Martin JA, Merrill EA, Mortensen B, Cousins MK, DuCharme OJ, Kliethermes SA, Blemker SS, Opar DA, Heiderscheit BC. Associations Between Lower-limb Muscle Volumes And Maximum Sprinting Speed In Collegiate Football Players.

Knurr KA, Snyder GE, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Collegiate Athletes With And Without Future ACL Injury Did Not Differ In Pre-season Jump Biomechanics.

Sanfilippo JL, Haraldsdottir K, Anderson SA, Watson AM. Off-season Training Load Is Associated With Sleep And Well-being In Collegiate Athletes.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Tanaka CS, Cousins MK, DuCharme OA, Blemker SS, Kliethermes SA, Opar D, Heiderscheit BC. Prior Hamstring Injuries Are Not Associated With Hamstring Fat Infiltration In Division 1 Football Athletes.

Tanaka CS, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Merrill EA, Mortensen B, Kliethermes SA, Blemker SS, Opar D, Heiderscheit BC. Eccentric Hamstring Strength by Position for Division 1 Football Athletes.


Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Smith AW, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Kliethermes SA, Heiderscheit BC. Knee Extensor Rate Of Torque Development Assessment Post-ACL Reconstruction: Does Sampling Rate Matter?

Knurr KA, Snyder GE, Heiderscheit BC. Running Biomechanics Before ACL Injury In Collegiate Athletes Do Not Differ From Healthy, Matched Controls.

Kocak UZ, Knurr KA, Cobian DG, Heiderscheit BC. Isokinetic Knee Extensor Torque Asymmetry Varies By Angle In Collegiate Athletes 9-monthsPost-ACL Reconstruction.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC, Kliethermes SA. Sport Specialization Is Not Associated With Relative Energy Deficiency Risk Factors In High School Runners.


Crawford SK, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Between-Limb Differences in Hamstrings Activation Not Observed during Sprinting After Acute Hamstring Strain Injury.

Knurr KA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Vertical Stiffness Is Increased Soon After Resuming Running In Collegiate Athletes Post-ACLR Compared to Pre-Injury.

Schmida EA, Wille CM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Kliethermes SA, Heiderscheit BC. Loading Rate is not Associated with Running Injury Regardless of Calculation Method.

Stiffler-Joachim, MR, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Asymmetries during Running do not Predict Bone Stress Injuries in Collegiate Cross Country Runners.


Cobian DG, Bjork MD, Gamillo SA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Quadriceps Strength and Rate of Torque Development are Associated with Countermovement Jump Knee Kinetics Post-ACLR.

Crawford SK, Wille CM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Lee KS, Heiderscheit BC. Between-limb Differences in Ultrasound Spatial Frequency Analysis Parameters following Acute Hamstring Strain Injury.

Knurr KA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Harper SE, Thelen DG, Heiderscheit BC. Bilateral Changes in Running Biomechanics Observed from Pre-injury to 6-months Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Roehl TJ, Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Knee Extensor Torque Variability Correlates with Impaired Functional Knee Kinetics after ACLR in Collegiate Athletes.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Provenzano SG, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Anthropometric and Kinematic Predictors of Base of Gait during Running.


Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Bjork MD, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Lower Extremity Kinetic and Kinematic Asymmetries 4, 6, and 9 months post-ACL Reconstruction in Elite Collegiate Athletes.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Heiderscheit BC. Non-Linear Relationship between Footstrike Angle and Vertical Loading Rate during Running.


Cobian DG, Philosophos DR, Sanfilippo JL, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Peak and Rapid Force Deficits during Countermovement Jump Persist Longer than Reduced Jump height post-ACL Reconstruction.

Feller HJ, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Heiderscheit BC. Sex and Speed Influence Joint Moment Impulses during Running.

Heiderscheit BC, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Cobian DG. Reliability and Between-Limb Symmetry of Joint Kinetics and Kinematics During the Countermovement Jump.

Philosophos DR, Sanfilippo JL, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC, Cobian DG. Countermovement Jump Kinetics and Performance Changes from 1st to 4th Year in Division I Collegiate Athletes.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Feller H, Heiderscheit BC. Sex and Speed Influence Joint Moment Impulses During Running.

Wille CM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. The Effect of Base of Gait on Hip and Pelvis Frontal Plane Motion in Collegiate Cross Country Runners.


Blyholder L, Sanfilippo JL, McGuine T, Heiderscheit BC. In-season Injury And Health-related Quality Of Life Among Collegiate Athletes.

Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler MR, Cobian AG, Heiderscheit BC.  Reduced Rate of Quadriceps Activation during Running and Jumping in Collegiate Athletes post-ACL Reconstruction.

Sanfilippo JL, Blyholder L, McGuine T, Heiderscheit BC. Influence Of Year In School On Health-related Quality Of Life Among Collegiate Athletes.

Stiffler MR, Heiderscheit BC. Changes in Joint Work Across Consecutive Seasons in Collegiate Cross Country Runners.

Ziegler Z, Watson A, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J. Maximal Heart Rate Varies Across Laboratory, Field Testing, and Competition Among Collegiate Female Hockey Athletes.


Bui A, Stiffler MR, Heiderscheit BC. Base of Gait in Collegiate Distance Runners: Effects of Speed and Gender.

Choe JA, Stiffler MR, Heiderscheit BC. Kinetic Asymmetries During a Vertical Jump Persist During Initial Year Post ACL Reconstruction.

Coutinho C, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J, Watson A. Comparison of Subjective and Objective Measures of Internal Training Load in Female Youth Soccer Players.

Hanneken K, Sanfilippo JL, Hetzel S, Brooks A. Neurocognitive Performance and Increased Risk of Lower Extremity Injury after Concussion.

Haraldsdottir K, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J, Dunn W, Watson A. In-Season Changes in Heart Rate Recovery Are Related to Time to Exhaustion, but not Aerobic Capacity in Collegiate Rowers.

Meassick J, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J, Watson A. Body Composition, But Not Gender, Predicts In-Season Changes in Aerobic Fitness in Collegiate Athletes.

Moses J, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J, Watson A. Normalizing VO2 max to Body Composition Eliminates Gender Differences in Collegiate Soccer and Hockey Athletes.

Sanfilippo JL, Siedlik JA, Weir JP, Heiderscheit BC.  Common Jump Force Profiles of College Athletes Differ by Sport, Gender, and Performance.

Stiffler MR, Heiderscheit BC. Association Between Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Forces during Running and Jumping in Collegiate Distance Runners.

Ziegler Z, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J, Dunn W, Watson A. In-Season Changes in Heart Rate Recovery are not Related to Aerobic Fitness in Collegiate Intermittent Sport Athletes.


Coutinho C, Watson A, Brickson S, Sanfilippo J. Maximal Heart Rate Varies Across Laboratory, Field Testing, Training, and Match Conditions Among Female Athletes.

Lavine E, Watson A, Brickson S, Sanfilippo JL. Heart Rate Recovery Varies by Sport and Position, but Not Gender, Among Collegiate Athletes.

Sanfilippo J, McGuine T, Heiderscheit B. Health Related Quality of Life Changes Over a Competitive Season for Division 1 Collegiate Athletes.

Watson A, Brickson S, Prawda E, Sanfilippo JL. Is Heart Rate Recovery Independently Related to Aerobic Fitness Among Elite Athletes?


Stiffler MR, Sanfilippo JL, Brooks MA, Heiderscheit BC. Countermovement Vertical Jump Force and Power Differs by Gender and Sport.


Bell DR, Sanfilippo J, Johnson S, Libber J, Krueger D, Binkley N, Heiderscheit BC. Lean Mass Asymmetry Influences Force and Power Asymmetry During Jumping in Collegiate Athletes.

Lenhart RL, Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Hetzel S, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG. Kinematic and kinetic predictors of patellofemoral joint force in healthy runners.
*Biomechanics Interest Group Research Award

Peterson K, Sanfilippo J, Libber J, Donnenwerth J, Krueger D, Binkley N, Brooks MA, Heiderscheit BC. Body Composition Changes across the Competitive Season by Sport among Men and Women Collegiate Athletes.

Sanfilippo JL, Brooks MA, Donnenwerth J, Heiderscheit BC. Star Excursion Balance Test Performance Differs By Sport.


Sanfilippo J, Silder A, Sherry M, Heiderscheit B. Strength deficits exist at time of return to sport following hamstring strain injury.

American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM)


Watson A, Johnson M, Sanfilippo JL. Women’s Volleyball and Men’s Basketball Injury Prediction Based on Sleep and Mood Data.


Johnson JD, Wilson JJ, Dopp J, Heiderscheit BC, Sanfilippo JL, Moll M, Johnson G. Sleep Characteristics and Risks for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Division 1 Football and Wrestling.

American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)


Frank AM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Call CJ, Dooley MS, Hetzel SJ, Brooks MA, Spiker AM. Vitamin D levels and Musculoskeletal Injuries in Collegiate Athletes.

American Society of Biomechanics (ASB)


Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Joachim MR. Relationships between Bilateral Squat Symmetry 3 months post-ACL Reconstruction and Countermovement Jump Symmetry at Time of Return to Sport in Collegiate Athletes

Crawford SK, Martin JA, Vlisides J, Thompson Q, Heiderscheit BC. Effects of Six Weeks of Romanian Deadlift Eccentric Training on Terminal Swing Kinematics during Maximal Sprints.

Ito N, Lin Y, Martin J, Kliethermes S, Blemker S, Opar D, Heiderscheit B, HAMIR Consortium Investigators. Sprint Biomechanics in Collegiate American Football Athletes after ACL Reconstruction.

Knurr KA, Schmida EA, Cobian DG, Heiderscheit BC. Real-Time Biofeedback during Running in a Collegiate Athlete 4 Months post-ACL Reconstruction


APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM)


Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sirois J, Spiker AM, Heiderscheit BC. Running Biomechanics after Bilateral or Unilateral Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome in Collegiate Athletes

Cobian DG, Cornelius JR, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Knurr KA, Heiderscheit BC. Speed Kills: Rate of Torque Development More Impaired Than Quadriceps Strength 4-12 Months Post-ACL Reconstruction

Jensen CM, Knurr KA, Spiker AM, Cobian DG. Changes in Y-Balance Reach Distance 3 to 5 Months after Bilateral or Unilateral Hip Arthroscopy

Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Spiker AM. Longitudinal Assessment of Strength, Mobility, Jumping & Running Mechanics from Pre-Four Years Post-Bilateral Hip Arthroscopy.

Kelly BP, Knurr KA, Cobian DG. Isokinetic Vs Isometric Assessment of Knee Extensor Torque Steadiness 5 Months Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Knurr KA, Smerchek DL, Schmida EA, Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Changes in Vertical and Joint Stiffness during Running within 1-Year Post-ACLR in Collegiate Athletes (*think this was the Excellence in Research one)

Shaw AW, Knurr KA, Rutherford E, Lorbeck ZJ, Snyder GE, Sherry MA, Cobian DG. Influence of Visual Disruption and Dual-Task Conditions on Single-Leg Vertical Hop Performance 1-5 Years Post-ACLR


Cobian DG, Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Bilateral Changes in Quadriceps Performance from 1-4 Months Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Eastman MV, Chumanov E, Cobian DG, Knurr KA. Quadriceps and Hamstring Strength Recovery Among Adolescent, Collegiate, and Recreational Athletes after ACL Reconstruction.

Joachim MR, Cobian DG, Spiker AM, Walczak BE, Heiderscheit BC. Running Biomechanics Before and After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome in Collegiate Athletes.

Knurr KA, Cobian DG, Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC.  Running Knee Biomechanical Recovery Post-ACLR Is More Influenced By Rate of Torque Development Than Strength.

Knurr KA, Cobian DG, Joachim MR, Lyon J, Heiderscheit BC. Can Quadriceps Strength Identify Biomechanical Asymmetry Levels When Initiating Running Post-ACL Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes?

Lorbeck Z, Knurr KA, Shaw AW, Salamzadeh D, Rutherford E, Snyder GE, Sherry MA, Cobian DG. The Influence of Visual Disruption and Dual-Task Conditions on Single-Leg Vertical Hop Performance.

Smith AW, Knurr KA, Cobian DG. Is Isokinetic Testing a Valid Method for Measuring Quadriceps Rate of Torque Development Post-ACL Reconstruction?


Bednarek AL, Knurr KA, Cobian DG, Heiderscheit BC. Quadriceps Performance at 3 Months Is Predictive of Jumping Biomechanics 1-Year Post-ACLR in Collegiate Athletes.
*Presented at the Excellence in Research Platform

Broderick A, Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Heiderscheit BC. Quadriceps Performance at 3-months Post-ACLR is Associated with Running Biomechanics at 1-Year in Collegiate Athletes.

Cobian DG, Rayfield KR, Sanfilippo JL, Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Pre-Injury Countermovement Jump Kinetics Not Restored Two Year Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Spiker AM. Longitudinal Assessment of Strength, Balance, Jumping and Running Mechanics Pre-Two Years Post Hip Arthroscopy.

Knurr KA, Cobian DG, Kliethermes SA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Effect of Speed on Running Knee Biomechanics Symmetry 9 Months Following ACL-Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Knurr KA, Haack C, Heiderscheit BC. Distal Femur Bone Density 12-Months Post ACL-Reconstruction Is Not Associated with Early Isometric Quadriceps Performance.


Cobian DG, Bjork MD, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Recovery of between-Limb Running and Jumping Kinetic Symmetries 6 to 13 Months Post-ACLR in Collegiate Athletes.

Cobian DG, Heiderscheit BC, Contessa P, Stiffler-Joachim MR. When Can I Start Running after ACL Reconstruction? A Simple Question with a Complex Answer.

Cobian DG, Mashl AL, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Longitudinal Analysis of Uninvolved Quadriceps Performance 2-10 Months Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Cobian DG, Roehl TJ, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Knee Extensor Torque Steadiness is Associated with Quadriceps Activation Variability 4-12 Months Post-ACLR.

Knurr K, Kliethermes S, Stiffler-Joachim M, Cobian D, Baer G, Heiderscheit B. Pre-Injury Running Biomechanics Are Not Restored 12-Months Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Knurr KA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Vertical Stiffness Is Increased Soon After Resuming Running In Collegiate Athletes Post-ACLR Compared to Pre-Injury.

Kuik M, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Running Biomechanics are Altered at Return-to-sport following a Hamstring Strain Injury compared to Pre-injury.

Lukes DH, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Biomechanical Asymmetries during Running and Sidedness of Subsequent Bone Stress Injury.

Rowland ON, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Kliethermes SA, Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC. Injury Location and Prevalence Among Injured Recreational Runners based on Age and Foot Strike Pattern.


Cobian DG, Bjork M, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit BC. Knee Kinetics are More Asymmetrical during Running than Jumping 6 to 12 months Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Cobian DG, Gamillo SA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Kliethermes SA, Heiderscheit BC. Rate of Torque Development, not Strength or Time, is associated with Running Knee Loads post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Cobian DG, Lentini ZM, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Thomas GM, Davis BH, Heiderscheit BC. Quantifying Hamstring Endurance with a Novel Sustained Knee Flexor Task versus Repeated-Effort Isometric Contractions.

Cobian DG, Philosophos DR, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Increased Lower Extremity Injury Incidence and Participation Time Loss post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Elite Collegiate Athletes.

Kipp J, Wille CM, Stiffler-Joachim M, Kliethermes S, Wilson J, Lee K, Heiderscheit BC. Muscle stiffness changes in athletes following acute hamstring injury with and without edema on MRI.

Knurr KA, Kliethermes S, Thomas G, Binkley N, Baer G, Heiderscheit BC. Distal Femur Bone Mineral Density Deficits Persist 2 Years after ACL Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Lentini ZM, Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Thomas G, Davis B, Heiderscheit BC. Comparison of a Novel Unilateral Hamstring Endurance Task with the Nordic Hamstring Exercise.

Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Kliethermes S, Heiderscheit BC. Returning in-season after acute hamstring strain injury is associated with greater re-injury despite normal clinical assessment.

Willy RW, Wille CM, Chumanov E, Taylor-Hass JA. Specialized Running Populations: Tailoring care to maximize a runner’s health across the lifespan.


Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo J, Heiderscheit B. Isometric and Isokinetic Assessments of Rapid Knee Extensor Torque Development are Similarly Correlated with Run and Jump Kinetic Asymmetries in Collegiate Athletes Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

Cobian DG, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo J, Heiderscheit B. Activation Asymmetries of the Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Medialis are More Pronounced than Rectus Femoris 4 and 6 Months Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Collegiate Athletes.

Knurr KA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Sanfilippo JL, Cobian AG, Heiderscheit BC, Cobian DG. Relationship between Isometric and Functional Measurements of Rapid Quadriceps Activation in Division I Collegiate Athletes 7 months Post-ACL Reconstruction.

Liu C, Sanfilippo J, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Kliethermes S, Thein-Nissenbaum J, Heiderscheit, B. Influence of Running Mechanics on Annual Changes in Leg Bone Mineral Density of Collegiate Cross-Country Runners.

Olson J, Sanfilippo J, Krueger D, Binkley N, Heiderscheit B. Reduced femoral bone mineral density in collegiate athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.

Wille CM, Schmida EA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Kelsey A, Hart C, Heiderscheit BC. Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force and Center of Mass Vertical Excursion are Prospectively Associated with Injury in Elite Cross-Country Runners.
*Recipient of the Excellence in Research Award


Block C, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille C, Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit B. Tibial Bone Density is Associated with Running Biomechanics.

Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler MR, Cobian AG, Heiderscheit BC. Recovery of Rapid Quadriceps Activation and Rate of Torque Development post-ACL Reconstruction during Muscle Performance Tests, Running, and Jumping in a Division I Collegiate Soccer Player.

Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler MR, Cobian AG, Heiderscheit BC. Reduced Rate of Quadriceps Activation during Running and Jumping in Collegiate Athletes 4 and 8 Months post-ACL Reconstruction.

Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler MR, Heiderscheit BC. Abnormal Knee Joint Kinetics During Running and Jumping in Division 1 Collegiate Athletes 4 and 8 Months Post-ACL Reconstruction.

Erickson LN, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Heiderscheit B. Sex and Speed Differences in Running Mechanics of Collegiate Cross-Country Athletes.


Cobian DG, Knurr KA, Stiffler MR, Cobian AG, Heiderscheit BC. Reduced Rate of Quadriceps Activation during Running and Jumping in Collegiate Athletes post-ACL Reconstruction.

Wille C, Stromberg R, Stiffler MR, Kelsey AM, Heiderscheit B. Base of Gait is Associated With Injury Among Female Collegiate Cross-Country Runners.


McClinton S, Wille CM, Gallow A. Practical methods for gait analysis and retraining for the injured runner.


Stiffler MR, Wille CM, Baer GS, Heiderscheit B. Altered Lower-Extremity Joint Moments During Running in Individuals 6 to 8 months After anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.


Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Schubert AG, Kempf J, Heiderscheit BC. Running step rate modification to reduce anterior knee pain in runners.

Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Steingraber K, Ebert K, Heiderscheit BC. Step rate modification training while running.


Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Michalski M, Aufderheide E, Heidershceit BC. Kinematic measures predict braking impulse and knee joint loading during running.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)


Crawford, SK, Kliethermes S, Bashford GR, Heiderscheit, BC. Influence of Ultrasound Machine Settings on Spatial Frequency Parameters in Skeletal Muscle.


Crawford, SK, Bashford GR, Lee KS, Heiderscheit BC. Spatial Frequency Analysis of Muscle Tissue Structure. Platform presentation.

Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association (GLATA)


Lanser BL, Sanfilippo JS. Evidence Based Postoperative Upper Extremity Testing Criteria for Informing Return to Sport.


Biese KM, Fenton A, Schaefer DA, Post EG, Sanfilippo JL, Bell DR. Comparing High School Sports Specialization Trends between Division I and Club Collegiate Athletes.


Post EG, Thein-Nissenbaum JM, Sanfilippo JL, Stiffler MR, Trigsted SM, Heiderscheit BC, McGuine TA, Brooks MA, Bell DR. High School Sport Specialization Patterns of Current Division 1 Athletes.

International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)


Martin JA, Stiffler-Joachim MR, Wille CM, Heiderscheit BC. A Hierarchical Clustering Approach for Examining Potential Risk Factors for Bone Stress Injury in Runners. XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics.
*ISB World Athletics Award for Biomechanics Finalist

International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD)


Krueger D, Libber D, Sanfilippo J, Yu HJ, Horvath B, Miller C, Binkley N. Spine Phantoms are Inadequate for DXA Whole Body Composition Cross-Calibration.

International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium (ISTS)


Ito N, Silbernagel KG, Heiderscheit BC, Thelen DG, Cone SG. Non-invasive measurement of regional patellar tendon function during walking, running, and isometric knee extensions.

National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)


Fenton A, Biese KM, Post EG, Sanfilippo JL, Bell DR. Differences in Perceived Sport Demands and Sport Specialization During High School Athletics in Male and Female Athletes.


Sanfilippo JL, Lund BS, Kliethermes SA, Moll MK, Heiderscheit BC. Lower Extremity Injury following a Hamstring Strain in Division 1 Collegiate Football Athletes.


Gibson KM, Sanfilippo JL, Thomas GM, Heiderscheit BC. Estimating Eccentric knee-Flexor Strength from Body Mass and Height in a Varied Athletic Population.

McCullough JI, Sanfilippo JL, Kliethermes SA, Brooks MA. Higher Odds of Collegiate Lower Extremity Injury in Student Athletes with History of Lower Extremity Surgery Before Entering Collegiate Athletics.

Sanfilippo JL, Heiderscheit BC. Estimating Eccentric Knee-Flexor Strength from Body Mass among Female Athletes.


Helwig D, McGuine T, Sanfilippo S, Hetzel S, Heiderscheit B, Dunn W. The Impact of Previous Athletic Participation on Health Related Quality of Life in Currently Collegiate Athletes.

Biese K, Sanfilippo JL, Peterson K, Brooks MA, Bell DR. Concussion Increases Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury Risk after Return-to-Play among Collegiate Athletes.

North America Congress on Biomechanics (NACOB)


Crawford, SK, Martin, JA, Lee, KS, and Heiderscheit, BC. Agreement Between Ultrasound Spatial Frequency Analysis-Based Automated Identification and Manual Selection of Injury Location in Acute Hamstring Strain Injuries.

Martin, JA and Heiderscheit, BC. A PCA and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis of the Relationship Between Pelvis Geometry and Bone Stress Injury Incidence in Collegiate Cross Country Runners.


Crawford SK, Wille C, Stiffler-Joachim M, Lee KS, Heiderscheit BC. Shear Wave Speed Measurement Reliability in the Hamstring Muscles.

Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS)


Ito N, Hernando D, Lee K, Heiderscheit H, Hurley A. Tendon Microstructure Analysis for Patellar Tendinopathy using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). ORS Tendon Conference


Cone SG, Martin JA, Knurr KA, Baxter JR, Thelen DG. Longitudinal Tracking of Achilles Tendon Morphology and Function in the Near-Term After Rupture and Repair.

Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)


Wille CM, Hurley S, Kijowski R, Heiderscheit BC. Region of Interest Definition for Diffusion Tensor Imaging following Acute Hamstring Strain Injuries.


Wille CM, Hurley S, Alcock R, Adluru N, Kijowski R, Heiderscheit BC. Quantitative muscle micro-structural changes detected with diffusion tensor imaging following acute hamstring strain injuries.

Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR)


Cormier P, Ito N, Blemker S, Opar D, DuCharme O, Riem L, Heiderscheit B, Lee K. Where does it hurt? Variability in Location of Edema Relative to MRI Compatible Pain Marker in Collegiate Football Players with Hamstring Strain Injury.

World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB)


Wille CM, Heiderscheit BC. Calculating loading rate during running in the absence of an impact peak.

World Congress of Sports Physical Therapy (WCSPT)